Ever dreamed of a career that offers flexibility, intellectual challenge, and the chance to work from the comfort of your home?

You’d be surprised to learn that legal transcription is attracting people from all walks of life – recent graduates, stay-at-home parents, career changers – all seeking a fulfilling and well-paying work-life balance.

Dive into these interviews with legal transcription graduates and discover a path that could be perfect for you too.

Learn to Transcribe - Interview with Chrisel

From Nurse to Legal Transcriptionist

I didn’t get the chance during the pandemic. I was on the floor with the whole suit, face mask, everything. And I isolated myself the whole first two years. And now I love working from home.

Learn to Transcribe - Interview with Kaylee

Photographer and Legal Transcriptionist

I loved the course. Just doing the practice files and everything was a lot of fun for me because I’m a true crime person as well. I’ll sit down and watch murder documentaries just to relax before bed.

Learn to Transcribe -Scott

College Student Lands Work-from-Home Gig

You need to be willing to learn new things and integrate the feedback that you get into what you do next. It does also require some patience because this is very new to a lot of people, but as long as you have those qualities and you’re tenacious enough to work on your files and to learn new things, it can be a really good setup for people in a lot of different circumstances.

Legal transcription - Shannon Interview

Starting Over – A Career Change at 46

So interesting, extremely engaging. There’s so much to learn and when it finally clicks and everything makes sense, that light bulb goes off and you just have such a clear understanding of why, why things are meant to be done and formatted the way that they are.

Legal Transcription - Marie

Worth the Leap? From Busy Analyst to Legal Transcriptionist

I know it’s online, and some people might have hesitations, but I kind of took that leap of faith. And trust me, it was really, really worth it.

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