2 Effective & Easy Ways to Get Clients in Podcast Transcription and Repurposing

Are you looking for effective and easy ways to get clients in podcast transcription and repurposing?

Podcasts have become increasingly popular as a means of communication and entertainment, but they require time-consuming transcription and repurposing to make them widely accessible.

That’s why we’ve come up with an article that talks about how you can make $200 or more transcribing podcasts.

It’s not just about making money transcribing podcasts, though.

Why stop at transcription when content repurposing is also on the menu?

This means transforming audio and transcript into more shareable “snackable” pieces for clients who want their message heard loud and clear.

Now, if you’ve decided to take the plunge and set up a freelance content repurposing service for odcasts…


You’re now ready to help businesses reach greater heights with their goals and objectives.

But before you can get started, there’s one problem you need to address.

How do you go about finding clients?

No worries.

Fortunately, there are several strategies how to get clients in podcast transcription and repurposing services.

Our insider tips will help crack the code and uncover your perfect clientele, so you can get paid fast.

It’s a great time to cash in on your transcription and content repurposing skills.

We’ll walk you through the most effective ways to build your client base and start getting more business.

1. Get Clients Using Your Network on Social Media

One of the best ways to find freelance work is by getting referrals from people you are in contact with.

Your contacts can be a great source of potential clients, as they may have friends or colleagues who need your services.

You should reach out to your contacts and let them know what type of work you do and how you can help their friends or colleagues.

Ask if they would be willing to refer your services and offer incentives for successful referrals.

This will increase the chances that your contacts will spread the word about your services and get more business coming in.

A lot of freelancers are missing out by ignoring this prime opportunity – a goldmine of potential clients.

So here’s what you do.

Message 3-5 friends every day either on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram.

Contact the following groups of people and ask for referrals.

– Family and friends.
– Former bosses and colleagues.
– Other connections on social media.

Here’s a sample message:

Hi Friend,
How’s everything going?
By the way, I recently went freelance and I help podcasters grow their audience by repurposing
content for social media
I was wondering if you know someone who could use my help.

(Note: You can tweak the underlined sentence so long as your offer is crystal clear and you focus on the results you provide your client.)

Simple, is it not?

You can come up with a better message, but you get the idea.

The idea here is just to let people know who you’re trying to help (podcasters) and the problem you’re trying to solve (how they can grow their audience).

Doing this gives you the following benefits:

  • You’re not selling to them.
  • You can do this method on any social media platform.
  • You don’t have to stress over seeking out your target market. Your network will do that for

Having a powerful network is like having access to a secret weapon.

It may look small, but it can get you far when used right.

In business, having an extensive professional network can get you clients more easily than turning over every stone just to get noticed.

Think of new ways how you can get clients using your network.

It might not be as intimidating as it seems.

But it may take one connection and the right message to get things going.

So dust off those old contacts and get creative.

Who knows what kind of opportunities await you today?

2. Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile, Connect with Podcasters, and Be Active

LinkedIn is an invaluable tool in finding the right clients for your podcast repurposing service.

Optimizing your profile, connecting with potential clients, and staying active on the platform are all essential elements for success.

First, make sure your profile is optimized.

It’s more useful to optimize your headline and your tagline to speak directly to who you’re trying to serve and who you’re trying to attract.

You should also include a professional photo that makes a good impression and shows off your best features.

Our previous post shows you how to attract high-paying clients with your LinkedIn profile.


Connect with podcasters.

Here’s what you do.

1. Search for podcasters.

On the search bar, type “podcaster” and filter your search using the People category and United States location.

You can also choose other English-speaking countries if you want your target market to be specifically from those areas.


2. Send at least 10 connection requests per day to podcasters.

Here’s a sample message:

Hi ,
It looks like we have some people in common. Your work is really inspiring, so I was compelled to connect with you here on Linkedin.
If that would be cool, let me know.
All the best.

Warning: Do know that if you do this, you will be…



But that’s okay.

Just do this consistently.

Because the more you do it means you increase your chances of landing more clients – so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there.

3. Send a “thank you” message to those who accepted the connection.

4. Be active.

Do these things consistently:

– Engage with your target clients.

The best way to do this is to like their post and then add a comment.

Liking and commenting on posts is a great way to build relationships with people.

Doing this shows that you are interested in the content they are sharing and also helps to showcase your own knowledge of the topic.

It is important to remember to leave thoughtful comments though because vague or irrelevant comments will not be appreciated.

– Post relevant content regularly.

Posting content regularly on LinkedIn is an essential part of any successful freelance business.

It helps to establish your presence and build trust with potential clients, as well as keep them up to date with your latest work and successes.

By doing this, you can create a network of ideal clients who are more likely to reach out when they need the services that you offer.

Posting content regularly also keeps your profile top of mind in the minds of potential clients, increasing the chances that they’ll remember you when looking for someone to hire.

Additionally, it allows you to showcase your expertise in a particular field or industry by providing helpful information or resources that will help others make decisions about their own businesses or projects.

Finally, posting content regularly on LinkedIn gives you opportunities for networking and building relationships with other professionals in your space which could lead to referrals down the road.

After giving this strategy a shot (offering transcription services), voila! We got some inquiries.

You can definitely follow this method for your podcast transcription and repurposing services.

You may get results immediately, or you may have to wait a bit.

The only way to find out is by giving it a shot.


You’ve got to take advantage of all that social media has to offer.

Whether it’s LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, reaching potential clients is just a few clicks away.

Of course, building those relationships and delivering results takes time (and lots of patience).

But if you stick with it long enough, success is sure to follow.

With the right mentality and well-crafted strategies, success is practically within your grasp.

Make it happen.


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